ACTION: 35 Baby Elephants Captured To Be Sent to Chinese Zoos

706x410q70don-stealinganimals-subbedmPLEASE sign and share.We must all lend our voices in opposition to this terrible situation and we urge you to sign and share this petition:

Baby elephants abducted from the wild awaiting export to China.

The DSWT has been appalled to hear of the planned transfer of elephant calves and other wild caught animals, from Zimbabwe to Chinese zoos. Having worked for over 35 years in hand-rearing orphaned baby elephants in Kenya and rehabilitating them back into the wild when grown, we have a sound understanding on the physical and emotional needs of elephant calves.

Elephants need space to roam and young elephants, torn from their families, confined to captive environments with no prospect of a life back in the wild suffer severe stress affecting their physical and psychological development and often resulting in death.

As well as independently writing to the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources in Zimbabwe, the DSWT has joined the Asia for Animals Coalition in contacting Zimbabwean authorities to express our grave concerns and urging the government to refrain from the transportation of wild animals to China.

We must all lend our voices in opposition to this terrible situation and we urge you to sign and share this petition:

Read more about the situation at:…/2014-12-03-unmasked-zimb…/…

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Filed under Animal Activism

5 responses to “ACTION: 35 Baby Elephants Captured To Be Sent to Chinese Zoos

  1. Alexandra delis-abrams

    this is horrible – what is being done? isn’t this illegal. thjis is simply so so horrible.

  2. this is horrible – what is being done? isn’t this illegal. thjis is simply so so horrible. how does united nations or a country
    ALLOW a nation to steal animals from their natural habitat? like taking whales for the aquariums – THIS IS HORRIBLE. taking them from their mothers – their family – WHAT CAN WE DO other than scream out of frustration and sadness. where is MAO YING to speak up for them?

    • Hi Alexandra, I know….it’s pretty crazy but I’d say the most important thing right now is to get as many people as you can to sign that petition and to let people know exactly what’s going on. They want a million signatures. Our job is to get them. Its shocking that these animals have no rights. The Non Human Rights project is actively fighting in US courts to earn key species like elephants, chimpanzees (and those in that family) dauphins rights that accord them status similar to what we as humans have. This bit of news ruined my day today as well.


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